Kocain Cave

Kocain Cave, 45 km from Antalya. located in the north. The cave, reached via the Antalya Burdur highway Camiliköy-Ahırtaş villages. Turkey's most wide mouth and in one piece with the largest gallery in a cave. Kocain  is 600 meters long cave, the entrance is 35 meters, 75 meters indoors wide and 50-60 meters in some places The height of the hall consists of a very large.

Kocain is the mouth of the cave prehistoric periods and later settled in Roman times has been available on the ruins. Found in the cemented cisterns, that sits in a historic periods can be shown as evidence. Cave, nested and this occurred in two large halls gap that separates the two giant stalagmites formed. There is also a very beautiful white kristalizasyonlar istalagmit next giant columns.

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