Perge, 18 km east of Antalya, Aksu, an ancient city located within the boundaries of the District. Cilicia - Pisidia on his way to take part in trade is an important city in Pamphylia.
Establishment of the city coincide with other cities of Pamphylia (7th century BC). Home of the goddess Artemis of Perge was an important city for Christians of Perge. Anno Domini St. Paul and Barnabas came to Perge. Some important monuments such as the rich have contributed to Plancia Magna of Perge.The first excavations of the ruins at Perge in 1946 was initiated by the Istanbul University include:
Cavea, orchestra and scene consists of three main sections. A capacity of 12.000 spectators. Bottom side 19, top 23 rows of seating. Stadion: 34 x 34 m. size. There are thirteen seats on the vaults. Otuzar East and sales side, located to the north on the vault. Stadion on one of the three vault entrance, while the other two are used as shops.Agora
The city's commercial and political center. There are shops around the courtyard in the middle round. Some shops floor is covered with mosaics. 13:40 in the middle of the square meters 76 x 76 m wide with a round structure, the agora size.Colonnaded street: Aropol nympheum extends from the foot. In the middle of 2 m. a water channel width of the street separates the two.Other structures at Perge, necropolis, city walls, gymnasium, baths, monumental fountain and doors.
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