Dim Cave

Dim Cave, 12 km from the center of Alanya. Located in the east slope of Mount Cebereis. Dim Cave, is one of the most beautiful caves of Turkey. Be close to Alanya and is suitable to visit because of the environment is covered with forests and picnic sites. Used as a shelter by prehistoric and historic periods, because of the people by the people of the environment 'Gavurini Cave' is named.

Dim Cave north-south direction, from the limestone which has occurred as a result of melting. Dim Creek valley deep in the water level draws down the cave as a result of thoroughly dried deepen. Hydrological activity subsequently lost as a result of the ceiling and walls of rock blocks continued expansion of volume. During this development, water leaking from the walls and ceiling stalactites, stalagmites, columns and walls of the curtain covering the flag and led to the formation of limestone. Dim Cave middle and last parts of the rock blocks fallen from the ceiling covers the base. 40 from the entrance of the cave has an entry in the second.

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